
When Is The Best Time For Scuba Diving In Gozo?

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When Is The Best Time For Scuba Diving In Gozo?

Gozo is a picturesque island in the Mediterranean known for being a scuba diver’s paradise thanks to its crystal-clear waters, stunning seascapes, and vibrant sea life.

But the question is, when is the best time for scuba diving in Gozo?

The good news is that the Mediterranean climate lends itself to being pretty good all year round… but as ever, temperatures will be colder and rain and wind will be much more likely in the winter months. So let’s dive in and find out when the best time for diving in Gozo really is…

Scuba Diving Gozo

When Is The Ideal Weather Window For Scuba Diving In Gozo?

If you’re planning a scuba diving adventure, you want to give yourself the best chance of having the perfect experience.

That means making sure you give yourself enough time, pick the right place, and go at the right time.

Gozo’s weather conditions are best during the diving season, which runs from April to November, with June, July, and August being the driest months. That makes the summer months the peak time for diving in Gozo, which can mean that it’s busier, but with good reason! 

During the summer months, temperatures rise in both the air AND the sea, taking sea temperatures as high as 28°C – which is warmer than most British summer days… and that’s just the sea! 

Weather in the months either side of summer, May and September, is also pretty reliable, although rain is more likely, and temperatures might be slightly below the summer peaks.

Crucially, visibility is excellent during the summer months, which means you can see up to 40 metres, making it a diving experience not to forget. 

We offer scuba diving trips to Gozo in June, August, September, and October, so whatever your plans are, we’ve got something for you – find out more about our dates here.

When Is Best To Avoid The Wind in Gozo?

Any island comes with one common issue – wind. 

Head to the coast in the UK and that familiar sea breeze will hit and it’s no different in Gozo (well, it’s a much warmer wind, at least!). 

Strong winds can have a significant impact on diving conditions but the good news is that the windiest time of year is between October to May, during the autumn, winter and early spring months.

That’s not to say that it’s always windy in Gozo, more that if you’re looking to avoid getting caught in windy conditions, you’re much better off planning your trip for the summer and early autumn months! 

Wind speeds above 13mph are considered too high for diving, so it’s worth bearing that in mind when you’re working out your itinerary…

And the time of day can also have a pretty big impact on your diving experience, too.

Diving experts will tell you that the best times for diving are between 10am – 2pm, with morning hours offering the calmest times of the day in the sea. That means there’s little wind, waves, and currents, meaning you enjoy a relaxing dive and give you a much better chance of having great visibility. 

After all, you want the best possible visibility to witness some stunning marine life, right?! 

If you’re looking to ensure you get the best possible conditions, booking with a reputable travel company (ahem) like The Bucket List Company means you can focus on the important stuff… the diving! 

Check out our full itinerary for our Scuba Diving in Gozo trip here.

Blue Hole - Scuba Diving Gozo

Where Is Best For Diving in Gozo?

Gozo is one of the world’s premier scuba diving destinations for a reason.

It boasts a diverse range of dive sites, with each offering its own unique underwater landscape and marine life.

Whether it’s Ghar Lapsi, with its underwater caves and tunnels, Ta Cenc with dramatic underwater cliffs, or Lantern Point which is well known for its crystal-clear visibility and topography.

And the best thing? There’s something for everyone, whether you’re new to diving or a little bit more experienced, Gozo caters to all.

Which is also true of our ‘Scuba Diving Gozo’ trip, where you can gain your open water qualification, starting at a shallow dive site for beginners, while also offering an advance open water qualification for any experienced divers! 

We’re conscious that whether you’re new to diving, have a little bit of experience or a lot of experience, we want to ensure you get the absolute most out of your trip to Gozo, hence why we cater for all skill levels.

You can find out more about our Scuba Diving in Gozo trip and the itinerary here.

A trip with TBLC also means that you can focus on what really matters – getting confident in the water (if you’re a beginner) and maximising your dive time while exploring the island! 

Click here to take a look at what that trip involves, shoot any questions in our direction and start getting excited about ticking that adventure of a lifetime off your Bucket List. 

If you don’t book it now…will you ever? 

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