How do I get the right Sleeping bag?


Keith Crockford

What would Keith do? Episode 1

Let’s talk sleeping bags!

Whilst we were in Morocco recently two of our clients kept asking questions jokingly coined the phrase “what would Keith do?”

After a quick discussion, we decided that it would make a good video series and a reason for us to answer all the questions we get asked. They also asked for credit – so I would like to thank Rachel and Lou for this new idea!

One common question that is regularly asked is –

How do I get the right sleeping bag?

During some of our adventure trips, temperatures at night vary from 20 degrees to -10!

How do you cope with that?  When I was in Morocco on our latest trip, I took with me an Alpkit Cloudcover in addition to my sleeping bag.

Here is a video that will tell you all about why I took this with me.

You can find details of the Cloud Cover Here –

If you want to go top of the range check out PHD as well –

If you have any questions you would like us to answer on a future #whatwouldkeithdo, please contact us at [email protected]

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